Friday, March 13, 2020

Up-to-Date List of Essay Topics on Big Data You Can Choose from

Up-to-Date List of Essay Topics on Big Data You Can Choose from Up-to-Date List of Essay Topics on Big Data You Can Choose from We bet that you hear the phrase â€Å"big data† practically on every corner. But do you know what it really means? If you do, then good for you. If you don’t, no worries, we will break it down to you. Big data is a segment of IT that deals with gathering, processing and storing large chunks of digital information. They are so large that you can’t just put them inside an Excel document and analyze. You need competent experts in this field and special software to deal with all the data. It is interesting that during the last two years people created more data than during the whole period of human race existence. In fact, it’s getting so big that in 2016 Amazon created unique trucks with containers: one such trailer can house 1 million gigabytes. These tractor vehicles are designed for companies that have movie vaults, large databases of satellite images, etc. Can you imagine? Special trucks. The topic of big data is very popular nowadays, so it will be no wonder when one day you will receive a task where you will have to write about it. And for such a case, we’ve composed a list of essay topics with 20 sample ideas that will perfectly work for the academic paper. Treating Big Data as Your Most Valuable Asset Data Collection Methods and Their Pros Cons How Big Data Made Trump the President of United States Cambridge Analytics and Brexit: Which Role Did Big Data Play in Reshaping the EU? The Dangers and Threats of Big Data according to Michal Kosinski Machine Learning and Big Data How Big Data Can Solve the Problem of Visually Impaired People The Mechanics of Hadoop – the Platform Able to Analyze Big Data The Prospects of Data Engineering Profession in the Next 5 Years The Importance of Managing Data and the Consequences of Not Controlling It How Can Artificial Intelligence Help to Manage Big Data? Big Data in Baseball: The 2013 Victory of Pittsburg Pirates How to Avoid Information Overload in the Big Data World Deep Learning Regarding Big Data and Linguistics Artificial Intelligence Analytics Used for Retail Companies just in Time for Holidays The Internet of Things and How Data Is Gathered Through Each Device We Use Data Mining: the Analysis of Social Media Main Big Data Tendencies for 2018 (AI, Cloud Trends, Analytics, IoT, etc.) How Predictive Analytics Can Improve Company’s Service Provision Big Data as a Service (BDaaS): Origins and Current Status You can use these sample topics to write essays. Big data is worth writing about, and if your professor gives you such a task, you are quite lucky. If he/she doesn’t think about such topics, you can always make your own suggestions. Don’t be afraid that your professor will turn down your proposal. In fact, you’ll never know how he/she will react if you never try.